Fifteen Guilford High School Fencing team seniors were celebrated at Senior Night.

Favorite memory: Winning team states freshman year
Lessons learned: Don’t ask Jeremy how many lemonades he drinks a day.
Plans for the future: Attending Bentley University
Wishes to thank: My Mom, Dad, and coaches

Favorite memory: Playing Brawl Stars while watching individual states.
Lessons learned: Do what you enjoy instead of trying to enjoy what you’re doing.
Plans for the future: Attending college
Wishes to thank: My parents and the men’s epee squad.

Favorite memory: Playing brawl stars with the other current seniors while states was happening.
Lessons learned: Max Riat needs to be safe in college
Plans for the future: I plan on majoring in Mechanical Engineering
Wishes to thank: My parents, coaches, and friends are to thank for supporting me and giving our team the best possible season.
Final thought: That Max Banning and I still need to finish our 3 year long bout at some point.

Favorite memory: My favorite memories are pasta parties and the time that I have spent with the friends I have made while on the team
Lessons learned: To persevere and fight for a win
Plans for the future: Still waiting on college decisions
Wishes to thank: My family this team is truly a family.

Favorite memory: Winning 2nd at team states in sophomore year
Lessons learned: That no bout is over until someone reaches 5.
Plans for the future: Go to college
Wishes to thank: I’d like to thank Coach Bowers, Coach Jeremy, and Coach Kissinger, as well as my family and friends. I’d also like to thank Owen in particular for helping me become a better fencer over the years.

Favorite memory: Pasta parties and sting pong
Lessons learned: I’ve learned that it isn’t over till it’s over
Plans for the future: College

Favorite memory: The tournament-style events like individual states and the JV/Novice tournaments were fun.
Lessons learned: While fencers are on their own on the strip, I have learned that cheering teammates and being a positive influence from the sidelines is an important form of teamwork. Through my time on the team, I learned how to set and work towards goals as well.
Plans for the future: I plan to study Computer Science and Software Engineering.
Wishes to thank: The upperclassmen and coaches for pulling me aside 1-on-1 to help me get better

Favorite memory: singing on the bus with everyone after away meets (especially with Taylor).
Lessons learned: I have learned that mistakes will be made but there’s always a way to learn from those mistakes. I also learned my freshman year that “if you believe it you will achieve it” -Coach B. He taught me to always have a positive attitude, even when you don’t think you can do it.
Plans for the future: college and major in either radiology and sonography or hospitality business/management. I haven’t decided yet.
Wishes to thank: Lindsey Smith and Isabelle LaBelle for teaching me everything I know and making the fencing team feel like a family my freshman year. My Mom and Dad for always being supportive and Taylor for being such a great friend and teammate.
Other: What she remembers and loves most is that this team is truly a family.

Favorite memory: When I first got on the team freshman year and went to my first practice.
Plans for the future: Go to college and study hospitality and tourism management.
Wishes to thank: My friends and parents as well as the women’s epee team.

Favorite memory: Pasta Parties and Dairy Queen after meets
Lessons learned: I have learned the values of working together as a team.
Plans for the future: I will be going the University of North Georgia to pursue a degree in Criminal Justice as well as a career in the Military.
Wishes to thank: I want to thank my parents and my family for supporting me whilst on the team. I also want to thank the Epee squad for making this such a great year.
Final thought: Be safe in college Max.

Favorite memory: Beating the number 1 seed in the JV tournament as a freshman
Lessons learned: To make friends and always just have fun.
Plans for the future: Have fun in college at IUP studying for Criminal Justice.
Wishes to thank: The entire team for all of the experiences y’all have given me and I would never trade my time on this team for anything It has been the best 4 years.

Favorite memory: The first pasta party was a very fun time and as someone who likes to be to himself I really enjoyed being able to open up to talk to people and meet new friends.
Lessons learned: If I am interested in doing an activity make sure to actually try to do it instead of waiting until your senior year to do said activity.
Plans for the future: I hope to continue to fence throughout college.
Wishes to thank: The entirety of men’s epee for always being there as people to be able to talk to and laugh with as well as my friends that convinced me into trying new things by trying out (Lucia, Aj, Noah)
Final Thought: I will try my best to be safe in college

Lessons learned: When in doubt, cheer louder. Also, sometimes all you need is a good épée stretch.
Plans for the future: Next year, I’m going to college to study political science.
Wishes to thank: I’d like to thank my parents, the épée squad, and everyone who made conditioning practices fun.

Favorite memory: Bus rides and playing just dance at pasta parties
Lessons learned: Being nervous doesn’t help, and know what you’re going to do before you start
Plans for the future: Going to college to become a animal ophthalmologist
Wishes to thank: My family, Jeremy, and Coach Bowers for saving the team during Covid
Final thought: Good luck in college, Max!